Welcome to Christ Driven Women Online!
Greetings in the name of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ!
My name is Linda Wurzbacher & I am the founder & Director of a new, international ministry called Christ Driven Women. I am also the senior pastor & church planter of Blessed Hope Community Church (AKA; Church At Movies) in Webster, New York. BHCC was established in September of 2002 and continues to grow and THRIVE today!
Christ Driven Women is an 'organism' for women who desire to reach their full potential for Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God. We are women whose lives are passionately driven for the purpose of serving Christ & His Kingdom as His fully devoted followers & disciples.
We are senior pastors, church planters, associate pastors, lay leaders, evangelists & disciple makers. We come from every walk of life & denomination and many of us are non-denominational.
One of the greatest purposes of the CDW org is to ENCOURAGE women called by God to be Church Planters, senior pastors ministry leaders! Our goal is to EMPOWER WOMEN to SERVE CHRIST in every possible capacity, according to how they are CALLED & GIFTED BY GOD to serve.
We believe in mutual submission to the Headship of Christ when in comes to male and female leadership roles in God's church.
If we are indeed submitted to Christ, then there is no reason that gender should be a deciding issue in using our gifts to the greatest potential for the glory of Christ. Jesus Christ is the head of every church and every Christian. That also means that we are ONE in the Spirit of the Living Christ and as we are LED by the Holy Spirit, we must lead! THIS is what the WORD OF GOD really says when looked at in proper context!
The oppression & inequality of women in God's church is coming to an end! Rise up women, answer God's call on your life & be the person God has called & equipped you to be! The time for doubt and excuses must end now!
CDW is not liberal. Our theology is overall conservative. We are 'born-again' women striving to live lives of passion and purpose for the glory of Christ alone. We are called and ordained by Christ alone and He is the only ONE we will answer to on the day of Judgement.
Sisters in Christ, the TIME is now! God is calling us to rise up and LEAD by following HIM!! Plant churches! Lead ministries! Let your lives be Christ Driven and live for His purposes by partnering with our Lord and working with Him to build up the Body of Christ!
We are here to encourage you to reach your full potential in your calling of our Lord. This org has only just begun. We are going to set up mentoring relationships with women around the world. We are going to network women to be a united force in the Body of Christ. We will offer leadership training for women, coaching, wise council, encouragement, prayers,and many networking opportunities!
A brand new newsletter will be sent out soon with all the NEW opportunities that CDW will be launching for your encouragement. Please SIGN UP ASAP by sending me your email address - and include your prayer requests! GOD BLESS!
Contact me @ Lin@ChristDrivenWomen.com
Find me on Facebook: Pastor Lin

My recently published articles in Christianity Today's Gifted For Leadership.
Support for Women Church Planters: How the Exponential Conference made me feel part of a tribe
by Linda A. Wurzbacher, published Aug. 12, 2015 in Christianity Today's Gifted for Leadership Section